Two weeks ago, I said I’d give you more information about The Point System, so here goes. The system has three versions designed for early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescents. I’ll provide a brief over-view of each so you can see which one would be appropriate for your particular child–appropriateness depends on developmental level, not chronological, age.
Remember that I’m writing a whole book on the System, so you’re not going to get much detail in a couple of columns. Concrete help will come as you apply the concepts and interact with me about your particular situation, via the internet.
EARLY CHILDHOOD (ages 3 - 6)
I call this version “The Chocolate Chip Point System” because it’s much more tangible than charts with numbers. You will need two items: (1) a small transparent container and (2) a chart with your child’s name on both.
The container is where you put chocolate chips, sweetened cereal, stickers, etc. depending on your level of concern about tooth decay and according to your perspective about rewarding specific behaviors. You remove items as consequences for unacceptable behaviors.
The chart allows you to record what happens with the container (which should be where it can be seen but not grabbed). Post the chart in a prominent place where the child can watch her progress. You’ll write numbers that represent each category: (1) Good Attitude, (2) Picking Up, and (3) Growing (this is another word for “chores”). Use the chart once a day to account for what’s built up in the container. Just put the chips, cereal pieces, etc. into the child’s container or take them out, as appropriate. Note that the child should start each day with at least 5 - 10 pieces–even if you have to award them for “smiling through breakfast” or “picking up your pajamas.”
Kids in kindergarten and first grade may be able to transition to numbers but probably will still want the actual chocolate chips (or sweetened cereal pieces, etc.).
Young children have very short attention spans, so you have to introduce the System in a way that engages your child’s attention and motivates him to want to participate. Say that you are going to play a game which has lots of prizes that will help her learn new things and be a happy member of the family.
As part of your nightly ritual, you let your child count up the items and eat them (if they’re edible, obviously) or put them into a “savings” container to be turned in for major treats like going out for ice cream, special time with Mom or Dad, playing computer games, etc.
Follow up activities are essential to reinforce what you want to accomplish. Every child is unique and every family’s dynamic is different, so I urge you to ponder and pray about how you will introduce and follow up the program’s steps.
I’m giving you some parameters, but I really want to know how you adapt the ideas. You might find yourself interacting hourly, even several times an hour at the beginning.
Next week, I’ll discuss school aged children.
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