Tuesday, March 17, 2015

“The Power to Choose, the Power to Make a Difference”
My apologies to those of you who were ready to get some specific details about the first version of my Point System. I’m interrupting the series to talk about a man who has stood up for what he believes, who wants to make a difference.    
Trestin Meacham, 35, a Navy veteran, told his sister (a friend of mine) that he took an oath to defend his country, even with his life. So, three weeks ago he began a hunger strike, protesting a federal judge’s declaration that Utah’s defense of marriage act was unconstitutional. In essence, that judge negated the will of the people who passed the law by an overwhelming majority. 
Trestin chose to go on a hunger strike because he wanted to bring state’s rights to people’s attention. Over the past century, these rights have been eroding. We’re at the point where the federal government has taken over too many aspects of our lives, including our right to make choices about deeply personal things like health care, including whether or not we smoke or drink.
In the guise of “helping” us, our federal government has moved almost completely to tyranny. The National Security Administration’s spying on millions of ordinary people and the  Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative organizations are two of the most recent scandals.
Free speech has pretty much been eliminated for anyone who has a view that runs counter to that held by the tyrant(s) at the highest levels of our government. Merely expressing a personal opinion or speaking out about a moral issue can destroy careers--I’m thinking of Duck Dynasty and Paula Deen’s mauling by the main stream press. 
Now, we’re being told that we cannot hold moral views. Deviant life styles, life styles that strike at the very foundation and fiber of society, are being forced on us in the guise of “fairness.”
Let’s get serious here. “Equal rights” does not mean things that are conducted behind closed doors should become the law of the land. The right to vote, hold office, and to earn a living are not the same as the right to redefine what marriage is. Marriage between a man and a woman (who must be together to perpetuate the human race) is the foundation of society. Study after study has shown that children born into and raised within a stable marriage between a man and a woman are those who become healthy, happy and productive adults.
Trestin has chosen a way to protest what’s going on that doesn’t involve rioting in the streets or destroying somebody else. He’s an adult and he sees this action as the way to let the world know how passionate he is. Watching him starve himself to death is painful to those who love him. But even worse, is their experience of the vitrol that his choice has provoked among those who disagree with him. 
I’ve been astounded by the hate mail that he’s received: 
“May the laws of human physiology speed him on his way.” 
“It’s just too bad that death by starvation takes 4-6 weeks.” 
“You narrow-minded hateful person–I hope you die slowly and painfully.” 
“You ****ing ***hole! Too bad ... it will not be repealed.” 
However, I salute Trestin for his courage to speak out in a way that was uncomfortable for him but did no physical harm to those with whom he disagreed. With his sister and mother, I’m grateful that he stopped before he sacrificed his life. I hope he will be able to lead and join with others to resist the power grab that exists at the highest levels of our federal government. I urge others to demonstrate the same courage.

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